
Privacy Policy


  1. To outline the basis on which Public Skills Australia will collect, process, use, and store personal information Public Skills Australia collects from you and you provide to the company.


  1. To ensure that Public Skills Australia respects and protects privacy, in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in Schedule 1 of the Australian Privacy Act 1988.
  2. Public Skills Australia will also look to the Office of the Australian Information Commission for guidance on continuous improvement for this policy, in particular when its information handling practices change.


  1. This policy is to be read in conjunction with the Constitution of Public Safety Skills Australia Limited and all Public Skills Australia policies; no policy is a standalone document.
  2. All Public Skills Australia policies are to be read in conjunction with following Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) documents:

Jobs and Skills Councils Code of Conduct

Jobs and Skills Councils Integrity Framework

Jobs and Skills Councils Performance Framework

Jobs and Skills Councils Program Guidelines

Performance and Monitoring Framework (under development)

Training Package Organising Framework (TPOF).

  1. All Public Skills Australia policies apply to staff and Company office holders, as well as contractors, subcommittees, networks, and working groups when undertaking work on behalf of Public Skills Australia.

Information Public Skills Australia collects and holds

  1. From time to time Public Skills Australia will collect and hold personal information. Public Skills Australia may collect and hold personal information, without limitation, about:
  • clients, business associates, training providers, potential clients and their employees
  • suppliers and their employees
  • learners
  • employees, prospective employees and contractors
  • other people who come into contact with Public Skills Australia.
  1. In general, the personal information Public Skills Australia collects and hold may, without limitation, include:
  • your name, address and contact details
  • information about your personal circumstances (such as marital status, age, gender, occupation)
  • information about your identity (such as date of birth, country of birth, visa details)
  • information about your employment (such as job title, work history, remuneration)
  • information about your background (such as educational qualifications, languages spoken)
  • website usage data, which may include your IP address, how you accessed Public Skills Australia’s website and your wider geographic location
  • information provided by the Commonwealth Government
  • other information that assists Public Skills Australia to conduct its business, provide and market its services, and meet its legal obligations.

How Public Skills Australia collects and holds information

  1. Public Skills Australia will collect personal information only by lawful and fair means. Public Skills Australia may collect information:
  • from you directly when you provide your details to Public Skills Australia, including (for example) when you
  • register with the company to receive updates
  • engage with Public Skills Australia via social media or online portals
  • enter one of Public Skills Australia’s competitions or participate in one of its surveys
  • from you indirectly, including (for example) through
  • business cards, emails, forms, face-to-face meetings
  • registration and attendance at events
  • telephone conversations
  • your use of Public Skills Australia’s website and social media channels
  • from third parties, including (for example)
  • the Australian Department of Education and Workplace Relations (DEWR)
  • Public Skills Australia’s business partners
  • subcontractors
  • advertising networks
  • analytics providers
  • search information providers, third parties who analyse traffic at Public Skills Australia’s website, blogs and social media channels (which may involve the use of cookies)
  • about an individual from a third party, in some circumstances; for example, a report provided by a medical professional or an employment reference from another person.

Why Public Skills Australia collects, holds and discloses information

  1. Public Skills Australia may collect, hold, use, and disclose your personal information for the purposes described in this policy or disclosed to you on Public Skills Australia’s website. For example, the company may use your information:
  • to undertake policy development, research, consultation, and evaluation
  • to provide you with newsletters and other information, including updates about Public Skills Australia’s website and its services, information about how to become involved in upcoming projects, or other information that Public Skills Australia reasonably believes may be of interest to you
  • when Public Skills Australia engages with you via social media
  • to administer Public Skills Australia’s website and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical, and survey purposes
  • to enable the performance of contracts
  • to conduct events for which you have registered
  • to respond to your comments and questions
  • to provide customer service
  • to process and deliver competition entries and prizes
  • to undertake surveys
  • to measure or understand the effectiveness of advertising Public Skills Australia serve to you and others, and to deliver relevant advertising to you
  • to make suggestions and recommendations to you and other users of Public Skills Australia’s website about goods or services that may interest you or them
  • for other business requirements.

Who Public Skills Australia disclose your information to

  1. Public Skills Australia will disclose your personal information if we are required to do so by law, regulation, court order, or statutory or public authority, or to protect Public Skills Australia’s rights and property.
  2. Public Skills Australia may provide your personal information to:
  • any third party that administers any facility, service, or promotion operated via Public Skills Australia’s website on its behalf
  • its employees
  • its professional advisors
  • contractors or service providers which Public Skills Australia has engaged or appointed to carry out or advise it with respect to its functions or activities
  • any specific parties Public Skills Australia has advised you of at the time Public Skills Australia collects the relevant personal information
  • the Commonwealth Government
  • any other parties with your express or implied agreement.
  1. Public Skills Australia does not sell, reuse, rent, lease, loan, trade, or otherwise divulge the information provided to Public Skills Australia to anyone unless you specifically consent that the company provides such information to a third party.

Disclosing your information to overseas recipients

  1. Public Skills Australia may disclose your personal information to the following overseas recipients:
  • other companies or individuals who assist Public Skills Australia in providing services or who perform functions on its behalf (such as third-party service providers)
  • anyone else to whom you authorise Public Skills Australia to disclose it
  • anyone else where Public Skills Australia is required to do so by law.
  1. Public Skills Australia will only disclose your personal information to overseas recipients where it has taken reasonable steps (where practicable in the circumstances) to ensure that overseas recipients handle personal information in a manner consistent with this policy; however, Public Skills Australia is not responsible for ensuring that overseas recipients handle your personal information in compliance with Australian privacy laws.

Links to external sites

  1. Public Skills Australia’s website may include links to other websites. Public Skills Australia is not responsible for the content and privacy practices of other websites.

Protecting your personal information

  1. Public Skills Australia will take reasonable steps to ensure the security of the personal information it collects and holds both in hard copy and electronically. This involves protecting the personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised modification, and disclosure.
  2. If you are considering sending Public Skills Australia any personal information, please be aware that the information may be insecure in transit, and that any transmission is therefore at your own risk.

Accessing your personal information

  1. Subject to the exceptions set out in the Australian Privacy Act 1988, you may seek access to and correction of the personal information Public Skills Australia holds about you by contacting its Privacy Officer at privacy@publicskillsaustralia.org.au.

How to make a privacy-related complaint

  1. If you have any questions about privacy-related issues or wish to complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles or the handling of your personal information by Public Skills Australia, please contact Public Skills Australia’s Privacy Officer at privacy@publicskillsaustralia.org.au.

Complaints will be investigated by the Privacy Officer and you will be notified of the decision in relation to your complaint as soon as practicable.

  1. If Public Skills Australia is unable to satisfactorily resolve your concerns about Public Skills Australia’s handling of your personal information, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:

GPO Box 5218

Sydney NSW 2001

Tel: 1300 363 992


Reviewing this policy

  1. This policy will be reviewed when applicable and within 3 years.