
Firefighting Appliance Pump Technician

This project will see the development of training products to align with the workplace outcomes of Firefighting Appliance Pump Technicians.

Frv 04

Project Overview (June to September)

This project will see the development of training products to align with the workplace outcomes of Firefighting Appliance Pump Technicians.

Firefighting Appliances are operational vehicles used by the Fire and Emergency Services industry-sector. These appliances are designed to extinguish fires, facilitate rescues and provide various other forms of assistance. Consequently, the pumps utilised within Firefighting Appliances require specialised skills and knowledge for maintenance, troubleshooting and fault diagnosis.

In collaboration with the Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council (AFAC), Public Skills Australia will identify the national practice standards of pump technicians and assist to build industry capacity of this workforce.

Technical Committee

Engagement with the Fire and Emergency Services industry-sector is currently taking place. In accordance with the Training Package Products Development and Endorsement Process Policy, a Technical Committee has been stood up to provide advice on the development of raining products.

The Terms of Reference for the Technical Committee can be found below:

Firefighting Appliance Pump Technician – Technical Committee TOR

Consultation Strategy

Public Skills Australia will engage in thorough consultation with stakeholders to ensure that their perspectives, concerns and insights are thoroughly considered in the development process. Details of consultation, including mechanisms and identification of stakeholders, can be found below:

Firefighting Appliance Pump Technician – Consultation Strategy

Throughout this project, a consultation log will be maintained to document the feedback received. Information on consensus gathering will be published following the consultation phase.

Details of this project’s information sessions and workshops will be shared here when available.